We are interested in crystalline matter. We develop new approaches based on hyperpolarized Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to study the structure of polymorphic powders at natural isotopic abundance and polymorph formation from solution.

Research topics

Solid-state NMR methods

NMR experiments for solid materials

NMR for crystallization

NMR to study crystallization from solution

NMR crystallography

NMR for structure determination of powders

Last News

New paper from the group

We show that confinement can stabilise metastable polymorphs of Aspirin that can be revealed with the help of solid state NMR.

Johanna successfully passed her PhD examination!

Bravo to Johanna, who brilliantly passed the examination to access the Chemical Science Doctoral School of Aix Marseille University (ED250). She will start her project on the study of confined crystallization in porous matrices in October 2024.

Céline and Minh Tu attended the PANACEA school on Solid State NMR in Venice

Céline and Minh Tu attended the PANACEA school on Solid State NMR in Venice. A wonderful location and organization, and very intense learning for a week full of NMR. Best way to set strong NMR foundations for the rest of their PhD.

ICR UMR 7273

CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université Campus St. Jérome, Sce 512, Av. Escadrille Normandie Niémen 13397 Marseille, France


+33 (0)4 13 94 57 95