We are interested in crystalline matter. We develop new approaches based on hyperpolarized Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to study the structure of polymorphic powders at natural isotopic abundance and polymorph formation from solution.

Research topics

Solid-state NMR methods

NMR experiments for solid materials

NMR for crystallization

NMR to study crystallization from solution

NMR crystallography

NMR for structure determination of powders

Last News

Exposition la Science Taille XXElles

After almost two years of preparation by the CNRS and the association Femmes et Sciences, the photographic exhibition of “la Science Taille XXElles” finally opened to the public. The fantastic pictures taken by Vincent Moncorgé for this beautiful project are exposed in Marseille city center for a month. A beautiful and funny way to celebrate and promote the role of women in science, hoping this will be of inspiration to the young generation.

15/02/2024Visit to University of Abu Dhabi

Giulia was invited by Prof. Brijith Thomas to give a seminar to the Chemistry department of the New York University in Adu Dhabi. A day full of discussion, but we managed to find a little time to visit a little bit. Thank you Brijith for this fantastic hospitality!

New paper from the group

New paper out! Nice example of how DNP can help investigating frozen solution of Ca ions. Nice collaboration with the group of T. Azais at Sorbonne University.

ICR UMR 7273

CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université Campus St. Jérome, Sce 512, Av. Escadrille Normandie Niémen 13397 Marseille, France


+33 (0)4 13 94 57 95