I am a CNRS Research Director at the Institut de Chimie Radicalaire in Marseille, where I use Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to study the structure of organic crystalline materials existing as powders and understand how they form from solution.


-2021 CNRS Research Director
-2021 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) by Aix-Marseille Université
-2017 ERC Starting Grant STRUCTURE
-2012 CNRS Chargée de Recherche (permanent researcher) at the Institut de Chimie Radicalaire (ICR), Marseille
-2010-2011 Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship in Marseille (FR)
-2007-2009 Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pisa (IT) and University of Southampton (UK)
-2007-PhD in Chemistry from the University of Pisa (IT)

Other functions:
-Appointed member of the Ampère Committee
-Member of the GERM bureau
-Organizing Committee of Alpine Conference on Magnetic Resonance in solids (2023 onwards)
-Organizing committee of the Hyperpolarization Conference HYP21, Lyon
-Council member of the SCF Division de Chimie Physique (2016-2019)